A British-Columbia based thriller, set deep in the interior of the Pacific Northwest, on a remote forested island decimated by the closing of the local mill. As the remaining villagers attempt to find a means to survive, poaching of magnificent old-growth trees, many of them hundreds (or even thousands) of years old, becomes a devastating (and dangerous) problem for ranger Ben and his eco-minded wife Piper.
When Ben suddenly and mysteriously disappears, the ongoing search for his body begins to feel desperate to Piper and her stepson Noah, as they struggle for closure in a chaotic rescue setting rife with peril, ghost sightings, a mysterious bushman stalker known as the “Green Man”, an ominous and brutal tree poacher, and a cinnamon grizzly bear – already used to the taste of human food.
Rich with atmosphere and drenched with suspense, this is a well-written, creepy, taut tale, – one that will get under your skin as Piper and Noah (and the intrepid reader) hang on, desperate to see Ben’s story through to its final and emotional conclusion.
A great big thank you to #Netgalley, the publisher and the author for an ARC of this book. All thoughts provided are my own.