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Knife River

🌟🌟🌟🌟💫 An unrelenting read that works its way deep inside your head, leaving thoughts and impressions that have lingered with this reader, beyond the page. Knife River, a small town in NY, based in a valley between two forests, is the setting for this atmospheric tale of sisters tormented by…

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The Invisible Hour

A Massachusetts-based fairy-tale of sorts, about “witches” and magic and the enraptured heart - one that is able, in this story, to transcend time and space, following a path that is destined beyond earthly boundaries, - encapsulated in a journey that is written with beauty and great care. The story…

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Miss Morgan’s Book Brigade

🌟🌟🌟🌟 “As long as I could return to the library in my mind, I felt I could face whatever came." An engaging historical drama, beginning in 1918, opening the door on a little-known group of women, female volunteers with the American Committee for Devastated France (abbreviated as “CARDs”when translated from…

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The False Flat

A sweet story, straddling the line between warm and bubbly contemporary romance, and a tender, heartrending treatise on loss, grief, and finding one’s path through what may feel overwhelmingly insurmountable. Pen (Penelope) Auberge is thirty-two years old, a financial wizard and an avid cyclist, with social skills that leave much…

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟➕ An absolute delight, this middle-grade story is voiced for us by eleven-year old Tig herself, weaving a first person narrative that so rings with authenticity, poignancy and most of all, charm, it is impossible for the reader not to fall completely under her spell. Heartlessly abandoned by her alcoholic…

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The Blood Promise

🌟🌟🌟🌟 Darkly themed, this Scottish crime story is brutal, intense, and layered with police procedural details that ring with authenticity. DC Jazzy Solanki, — recently demoted from Sergeant to her new lowly rank on the D-team, has lived through some hard times. Still suffering from the effects of her traumatic…

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What Feelings Like Best

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 A beautiful and gentle story, introducing a child to feelings or emotions, personified as charming little grey creatures, each with their own distinct outlook and presence. Here, amongst so many others, we meet: Nostalgia, who loves to revisit Christmas baubles and decorations, seeing out comfort from the stories they…

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Swift River

🌟🌟🌟🌟 A haunting saga about growing up different, disconnected and isolated, and the winding journey a life can take in its journey through to rootedness. Diamond, our first-person POV narrator, is a uniquely authentic voice. A young black girl whose narrative age varies from nine or so to sixteen, as…

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The Offing

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 An excellent thriller unravelling the tale of two young American women, friends for life, and their harrowing trip to Far North Queensland Australia - a trip of a lifetime and one that is also driven by secrets - facts hidden that will in fact come to change the entire…

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If Something Happens to Me

🌟🌟🌟🌟 A snappily paced and absorbing story that weaves around, and eventually nicely connects, the volatile world of several point-of-view characters. First, in Leavenworth Kansas, we meet Ryan, a six-foot-four high-school basketball star, who experiences a terrible crime and the crushing loss of his teen sweetheart, Alison. Five years later,…

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