A combination of short, edgy crime stories, and a few that are somewhat longer, (chapter-based), the final one featuring a trainee Detective Kay Hunter (who is featured a long-running book series).
With the author’s knack for writing atmospheric, twisty short stories, many of which contain clever and surprising endings, this reader was reminded of long-ago mystery serials, like Ellery Queen or Alfred Hitchcock mystery magazine (Note to self, must check – are they still in publication?) with the same nostalgic draw that makes one eager to read on, to turn the page, to begin another bite-sized, suspenseful read.
Without giving the plot(s) away (no spoilers here), favorites encountered in this compilation include:
A Grave Mistake- A tense and chilling read as our narrator, lost in the woods, late at night, comes upon a recently-dug grave, and quickly finds his troubles (and perhaps not those you would expect him to have) really begin.
A Dirty Business – Working in a garbage and recycling plant is a tough and dirty business, in more ways than the reader may imagine.
The Beachcomber – This longer short-story, featuring a mysterious scarred woman seeking refuge on the coast of Cornwall, has a gothic sort of feel to it, and a plot that will keep you both reading and guessing.
My stop today on the @randomttours #blogtour for #casefiles by @RachelAmphlett
A great big thank you to the author and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own.