The Garden We Share

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A perfect little picture book – bursting with hope, delight and the soul-affirming promise of a nascent new day.

As a little girl and her grandmother sow a garden we see the wonder each little seed brings, following the cycle of life laid out for us, from the tiniest green shoots emerging from the warm soil, to full and gorgeous bloom, and finally the inevitable autumn rest and winter slumber. Along the way, it’s impossible to resist, as the gorgeous illustrations invite us, along with the little gardener, to enjoy the unparalleled sounds and smells of nature in all its glory.

As a bountiful crop is produced and shared with friends and neighbors, we learn about community, about food as natured intended, and about the indescribable joy a gardener feels as caretaker and nurturer of growth and hope.

Like a whoosh of clean and sparkling air, this book is a sheer delight from start to finish – just begging to be shared with tiny budding gardeners everywhere.

A great big thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own.


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