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The Purest Bond

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 β€œDogs bring a purity to all they encounter. We don’t deserve dogs, and yet they continue to bring their magic to our lives and make us better versions of ourselves.” Indeed. And what could be better than reading this heartwarming book about dogs - except perhaps, dogs themselves, in…

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I don’t talk to dead bodies

🌟🌟🌟🌟 A compassionate and heart-felt memoir, written by a retired forensic psychiatrist, whose thirty-two year career exposed her to more diversity, challenges, risks, and yes, opportunities, than many of us can even imagine. As a psychiatrist who works with mentally-ill criminals (and not dead bodies, as is a common misconception),…

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Nineteen Ways of Looking at Consciousness

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 A fascinating, multi-layered look at the β€œhard” problem of consciousness, which this reader found totally and absolutely mesmerizing. (My own consciousness working hard to keep up, expanding with the extraordinarily-sweeping insights of this author). Taking an unusual approach, the author, a neuroscientist, considers one true-to-life scenario - the stimulation…

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Tell Me The Truth

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 A fascinating, insightful and oh-so-wise look at love, through the eyes of a master psychoanalytic therapist, long versed in the compassionate practice of rooting out β€œdilemmas we face in relationships, which draw couples together and tear them apart.” Through the composite sketches provided of thirteen semi-fictional couples, the author…

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A mind-blowing, insightful, and transformative look at what we want; why we want it; and what we can do to want more, or less, or want differently. The main theme provided by the author is that the vast majority of us live our lives wanting the things, (behaviors, lifestyles,…

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